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Category Archives: Forex Trading




What is a CFD? Contract for Difference Explained

It is an advanced trading strategy that is utilized by experienced traders only. A CFD investor never actually owns the underlying asset but instead receives revenue based on the price change of that asset. For example, instead of buying or selling physical gold, a trader can simply speculate on whether the price of gold will go up or down. Since CFDs trade using leverage, investors…

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Basis Points BPS Explained for Interest Rates and Investments

Just because the processor doesn’t calculate it that way doesn’t mean you aren’t paying that markup. Sarah Li Cain is a freelance personal finance, credit and real estate writer who works with Fintech startups and Fortune 500 financial services companies to educate consumers through her writing. She’s also a candidate for the Accredited Financial Counselor designation and the host of Beyond The Dollar, where she…

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